Tuesday, June 26, 2012

I think that I shall never see 
a billboard lovely as a tree. 
Perhaps, unless the billboards fall,
I'll never see a tree at all.
Ogden Nash

There are usually waaaay too many good articles too post (and not enough readers) to post all the awesome articles I find at Treehugger.  This one I made an exception cause one of the commenters had this quote.

Cleveland, Ohio cut down a tree in order to see the billboard better.  The consensus is that it was stupid and unnecessary. I understand that you spend quite a bit of money on a large garish sign you'd like people to see it...(damn trees).  Joking aside you could have trimmed it up.  Idiots.

I personally find billboards distracting.  They are nice when they help me find things but there are too many of them.  It's UGLY!

Here is a cool article by Forbes magazine on what happens when all visual pollution is taken out.

Perhaps we should start lobbying this in our cities.

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