Sunday, February 19, 2012


I thought this was interesting.  An article from Treehugger about hugelkultur by Sami Grover

Some time ago I posted on hugelkultur raised bed gardening—an initially labor intensive method of growing that involves burying massive amounts of woody biomass underneath your growing bed, providing a long-term release of nutrients and a greatly increased water-storage capacity as the materials slowly rot down. (Advocates say that big-enough hugelkultur beds should never need watering.) At the time I was a little taken aback by images of diggers and large trenches—not what you typically associate with low impact permaculture methods. But I've since heard from many hardcore advocates of hugelkultur, and I've just found a couple of great videos about what it looks like in practice. The first is a neat little time-lapse number from Midwest Permaculture in which they document a step-by-step process of building a small hugelkultur raised bed. No mechanical diggers in sight, although it sure did take a lot of human labor to build one bed!

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